The Social Network


This weekend, i went and watched the movie the Social Network. This film is about the founding of the social media network we  Facebook. It was an amazing film, which really got me thinking about how even more amazing it was due to the fact that it was based on a true story.

These students in Harvard university, came up with this idea for a social media network, and created one of the most well known social media networks online today. One that has become a crucial marketing front for many successful businesses. And one that is used nearly everyday by most people regardless of age. Quite honestly this website became the “staple” of my generation, were people spend most of their days on updating their statuses, and uploading their photos, and “creeping” their buddies pages.  This website that some university kids made is now worth over a billion dollars, which is quite an amazing feat for some college kids.

The truly amazing thing about this story, is how viral their business spread. They literally started their website and it skyrocketed and spread like a common cold. Every business wishes for this, but few actually achieve it.

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