Category Archives: Uncategorized


Social Entrepreneurship The social entrepreneurship lesson really inspired me. I felt like i wanted to go out that day and start something to help society, may it be a social enterprise or a charity, i am just excited to do … Continue reading

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Positive People

I just finished thanksgiving dinner with my family today. Nearly my whole family was at dinner, including my great uncle Tony. My Uncle Tony is a very successful business man, who has definitely proven himself in his field. As we … Continue reading

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The Social Network

This weekend, i went and watched the movie the Social Network. This film is about the founding of the social media network we  Facebook. It was an amazing film, which really got me thinking about how even more amazing it … Continue reading

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Ethics and interpretation.

Today, i was just thinking about the topic of business ethics, and about what it truly meant to be an “ethical business”. I began to talk about this topic to some friends of mine. We came up with the conclusion … Continue reading

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Blockbuster playing catch up after bold business move.

In comm 101, in class, we talked about blockbuster, a major movie rental organization, making a rather large and costly mistake, which put them behind in the competition for market control. Blockbuster in a bold decision decided to implement kiosk … Continue reading

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Walmart….. Ethical or Not?

In todays economic driven world, in the western culture, people are driven by self interest. Consumers are looking to buy products for less money, thus benefiting themselves. And organizations are looking to maximize profits an cut costs in an effort … Continue reading

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