A Martyr’s Death

Posted by in ASTU

I just finished reading Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi for my literature class. This is a graphic narrative of the author’s childhood experience in Iran during and after the Islamic revolution. What drew me to the book is the protagonist’s perspective of the horrific events and the way it was told.

What struck me the most, however, is the quote: “To Die A Martyr Is To Inject Blood Into The Veins Of Society.”

I read this quote a number of times to try to decipher what it means. When I did make sense of it, I asked myself: how does a martyr’s death affect society?

This reminded me of one of the most iconic person in the Philippines, Benigno Aquino Jr. From the year 1972 to 1981, the Philippines was under the Marcos regime. Corruption, extravagance, and brutality were Marcos’ expertise. Freedom of the press was shut down. Curfew was implemented. Filipinos’ freedom were barely felt. The whole nation was under martial law which meant that political power was with the military alongside the current president.

Assassination captured on video through RPN Channel 9

Assassination captured on video through RPN Channel 9

Benigno Aquino Jr. who was a political elite was Marcos’ worst critic and enemy, so he caught the media’s attention right away. He was one of the best public speaker with an intelligent mind. When the current president declared martial law, he was his first target. He was arrested and imprisoned for allegedly possessing firearms and murder, was found guilty by a military court, and spent over seven years in prison. Due to a heart failure, he was permitted to go to the United States to have surgery in the conditions that he will not speak ill of the Philippine government while he’s there and that he will not return to his home country. But the stubborn man he was, he spread the truth about Marcos dictatorship in the Western world and came back to his nation where he was assassinated. Filipinos were devastated but most of all, enraged. This led to a historical event that would never be forgotten.

Ninoy's funeral march on August 31, 1983 (Photo taken from Ninoy: Ideals & Ideologies 1932-1983)

Ninoy’s funeral march on August 31, 1983 (Photo taken from Ninoy: Ideals & Ideologies 1932-1983)

The EDSA People Power Revolution erupted as a result of a martyr’s death. The whole nation showed the world the true power of democracy and how Benigno Aquino Jr.’s death injected blood into their veins. 


  1. http://www.notablebiographies.com/An-Ba/Aquino-Benigno.html
  2. http://biography.yourdictionary.com/articles/biography-of-ninoy-aquino.html
  3. http://www.ninoyaquino.ph/about-ninoy-timeline.html
  4. http://www.philippine-history.org/edsa-people-power-revolution.htm