Three Great Things – Week 3

Week 3 is in the bag! 30% done and feelin’ great!

In honour of week three, here are three great things that happened this week!

1) One of my kids was walking like a robot on Monday morning, and though I really wanted to encourage Robot E. because she was being cute and hilarious, I had to send Regular E. to write in her journal. “That would be an interesting journal entry, though,” I said. “In what ways are Robot E. and Regular E. the same? You could do a Venn Diagram!”

A few minutes later, while I was sitting with another student at the next table, I could hear E. reading her journal entry back to herself under her breath. It was about Robot E. And she drew a picture of herself as a robot. And it was the cutest.

2) All my lessons went very well, and I feel like today’s was my best observation with Jim yet. He speaks so deliberately and every single thing he says to me I can learn something from; I can’t imagine a better person to be my teacher. I’m feeling more confident and sure, and though I have areas of improvement, I have the tools I need to make the appropriate shifts. Thanks, Jim.

3) I had a breakthrough with a tough but amazing student today. Because of him, I’m really learning what it takes to foster a relationship based on safety and trust with a child, and the importance of a trauma-informed practice in an inner-city school. That kid deserves so much more than he’s got and I’m so glad I met him.

I really hope all my cohort pals are having a positive practicum experience. I look up to you guys, as your perspectives have made me consider things about my practice that perhaps wouldn’t have occurred to me without you.