The James Thompson Elementary School Level Policy on Personal Electronic Devices (PED’s) outlines the expectations for students, staff, and visitors using technology at the school.

Although technology benefits education in numerous ways, it also brings new challenges regarding responsible use.  The Richmond School District has a policy that reviews the Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Services (Policy 104-G).  This policy provides guidelines for the use of technology throughout the District; however, Thompson teachers felt that it was necessary to implement their own policy

PED’s are defined as devices that are used for communication as well as for recording images, audio, and video.  This includes cell phones, cameras, iPads, computers, and emerging technologies.  Anyone with a PED on Thompson school grounds is required to comply with the requirements of the policy.  This refers not only to students, but to teachers, administrators, staff, and visitors as well.

For students, cell phones are not permitted to be used during school hours unless they have the permission of a teacher.  Phones are confiscated for the day if they are used and repeat offenders require their parents/guardians to retrieve the phone from the Principal.  The policy also outlines the use of PED’s during lockdowns.