
Why Great Men Matter To You

October 10th, 2011 · No Comments

In a blog by Bill Taylor, Bill Taylor talks about why Steve Jobs matters to you. He states that by looking at Steve Job’s legacy upon his departure, you reflect upon your own life and ask, “What have I done?”  You ask more of yourself as a leader and an innovator.

I absolutely agree with this article. Why Steve Job matters, why any great man matters, is change.  Whether they change the world or change your life, they initiate change.  With the example of Steve Jobs, he changed the world with innovation, founding successful companies such as Pixar and Apple, which produced some of the most innovative products such as the IPod, Macintosh and the IPhone.  However, the invention of these gadgets is minimal compared to what he left us with upon his departure, inspiration.  His story, his downfalls and his triumphs, inspires us to ask more of ourselves, and reminds us that he did not get to where he was by standing back and watching.  He was a do-er and an initiator, and I know that the next time I see an opportunity, I’m not going to stand back and watch. I’m going to act.


Tags: Commerce 101

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