
A Country’s Brand Image

October 4th, 2011 · No Comments

In Hannah Skurnik’s blog, Hannah brings up an intriguing point that the current European financial crisis is tarnishing Europe’s “brand” affecting the “products” it sells, such as tourism.


The term “brand” applied to a country led to a new perspective that perhaps a country is not so different from a corporation. Just as corporations market its product or service to potential consumers, countries market their exports, education system, and living standards to potential investors, immigrants and tourists.  Through events such as the Olympics, countries are marketing their brand, similar to marketing campaigns of corporations.  Furthermore, just as corporations try to position their products in specific target markets, countries try to position themselves in specific markets.  For example, by branding itself a fast expand economy, China has been able to emerge as a leader within the investor’s market.  Moreover, both corporations and nations act in its own interest.  Although acts such as charitable events and bailouts may seem unselfish, in reality, they serve a benefit, whether boosting a corporation or country’s brand image or holding its own economy stable.  When observed carefully, corporations and countries are amoral systems with numerous similarities.



Tags: Commerce 101

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