Candy Crush Mania

Candy Crush allow users to access the game in different platforms.

The world has been swept off its feet by Candy Crush, and Facebook invitations have increased exponentially for Candy Crush lives. It is the top grossing app for both Google and Apple’s Stores, with over 500 million downloads by mobile devices and/or Facebook.

Candy Crush has 6.6 million daily usersĀ , and brings in a whopping $633,000 per day. The publisher of Candy Crush, King (UK) has thought about filing for an IPO, much like following Twitter’s footsteps. However, Candy Crush has a solid business model that thrives on mobile devices/Facebook where users paying for them through app stores , rather than the uncertain impact of advertisements on revenue.Candy Crush got rid of advertisements for the game, and customers can just buy add-ons, boosters and various services for the game

Innovation plays a huge role in the development of Candy Crush, because Candy Crush needed a point of differentiation from competitors, as there are millions of mobile games in the market. The key to Candy Crush is that it is a bright, eye-catching object (candy) that is easily related by the audience. The MIS behind Candy Crush allows for users to play the game on different platforms, effectively connecting their current game when they are either on their mobile devices, or on Facebook.

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