Healthier Fast Food?

Words can have a psychological impact on consumers, not just pricing.

This is quite evident in fast food businesses, where “low sodium” correlates with “less flavour”. Although this is not necessarily true, customers will still associate the two factors together. Fast food restaurants are planning to go “healthier”, which follows business ethics as they are more aware of the public’s need to be healthy.

Companies such as Subway, McDonald’s, and Dunkin’ Donuts are decreasing their sodium levels of their food, as medicinal institutions (Institute of Medicine) are becoming more strict on setting regulations and advice for health issues.

Obesity has increased drastically in areas where fast food is easily accessible, causing a change in consumer culture. Fast food restaurants may have to re-think about their brand positioning and value proposition. Subway has cut down on their sodium for various meats and sauces, allowing them to stray away from the “unhealthy” fast food chain and allowing new customers to experience a “healthier” Subway. 

As huge corporations such as Dunkin’ Donuts and Subway, with thousands of stores in the international realm, focusing on one specific market will not allow for the business to yield the greatest success. Original business practices may have to be changed in order to cater for a wider range of audience, ultimately tweaking their brand positioning and marketing strategy.

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