To think that after Mike Jeffries of Abercrombie & Fitch’s controversial comment, CEO’s of fitness companies would step up their game of producing better options for plus sized people. However, the founder of Lululemon (Vancouver’s sweetheart), Chip Wilson said “Quite frankly, some women’s bodies jut don’t work for it.. It’s really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there over a period of time”.
Feminist outrage pursued on, and another online petition was created to criticize Chip Wilson’ insensitivity towards plus sized women, which ultimately led to the damage of his company, causing a decrease in sales by 5%.
It is shocking to hear Chip Wilson comment about plus sized women, because he lives in a city where its people are open-minded and take care about their health relatively well compared to other cities. However, the open judgment and criticism that he placed upon women was truly shocking, as he did not think about the impact it would have on his brand image.
Chip Wilson’s distasteful comment may have ruined the brand image, and I believe it ultimately will damage the value proposition of Lululemon. Their value proposition circles around unity among community, being sustainable and general being healthy in mind and body. One single comment has the potential to ruin a company.
You can find out more about the effect of Mike Jeffries and A&F here
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