2.3 What I found familiar about 3 Classmates’ Senses of Home

I read 3 student blogposts and listed each posts’ main points that spoke the feeling of being at home. I included my own for comparison purposes and bolded the points that were found in more than one post.

My sense of home:

  1. Feeling Welcome
  2. Feeling Comfortable

Francisco Araneta’s sense of home:

  1. Feeling safe, comfortable, confident
  2. Sense of belonging
  3. Ability to communicate with your community as you would your kin

Colleen Fish’s sense of home:

  1. A place of love and respect
  2. The place your parents raised you
  3. Safe, comfortable
  4. Feeling valued
  5. Sense of belonging

Alison’s sense of home:

  1. Safe
  2. Downtime from outside world
  3. Sense of belonging
  4. Warm/comforting
  5. Feeling welcome
  6. Familiarity

 I found the most common criteria in mine and my classmates’ “Senses of Home” were: feeling safe, feeling comfortable, and having a sense of belonging. This was a wonderful assignment – I thoroughly enjoyed reading through my classmates’ blog posts and am touched by the sharing process. I realised with this assignment that this topic “Home” is deeply personal. I think feeling safe, comfortable, and like you belong, are all heart-based senses. Emotive, intuitive states of body/mind – that cannot necessarily be determined by logical reasoning to see if they exist. You have to intuitively know they’re there. [Side interest, inspired by the idea that a sense of home is truly an intuitive sense]: This is hugely important to me and is also a big reminder of how important it is to be able to decipher our intuitive knowledge. I don’t think intuition and logical reasoning should be seen as the opposite or different from each other though. I think intuition is simply the truth, and that understanding how to decipher what your intuition means (translating that gut feeling and actually acting on it) is simply the fastest route to truth. Logical reasoning is necessary also – especially when intuition is difficult to read or you are unable to access it.

I really feel that feeling a sense of home, is truly where the heart is. You need to access your heart to know if you’re home.

Works Cited:

Araneta, Francisco. UBC Blogs. Web. November 13, 2016. https://blogs.ubc.ca/franciscoaraneta/

Alison (surname unknown). UBC Blogs. Web. November 13, 2016. https://blogs.ubc.ca/alisonsblogstoriesandremembering/category/unit-2-our-story-first-stories-contact-stories-and-stories-to-settle-unsettle-the-land-weeks-4-6/

Fish, Colleen. UBC Blogs. Web. November 13, 2016. https://blogs.ubc.ca/colleenfish/2016/09/30/what-home-is-for-me-assignment-2-2/