Social Librarians in Action

This week I wanted to both try out the platform Storify, and to highlight another instance of librarians being actively engaged with social media.

Storify is a fairly simple platform to learn (this is the first story I’ve made) but I found that it was also a fairly finicky platform, particularly if you have a poor internet connection which is continually dropping in and out. At one point I lost about 10 minutes worth of work, which is quite a lot when you’re working with such a small project, when my internet was disrupted.

That said, it has a lot of potential as a fairly accessible platform to use with participants in a program, perhaps getting them to build their own experience of a program or event into a story, and then sharing them to see how different participants experiences varied.

Without any further ado, here is the story of Social Librarians in Action. This story leverages tweets about Teen Tech Week 2016 (#TTW16) to show how librarians are actively engaging with social media, and how this can benefit them. Here it is displayed as a slideshow, but you can also view it on Storify as a linear story.

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