Monthly Archives: October 2013

Wake-Up Call (Literally and Metaphorically)

The past week, I have been increasingly overwhelmed of the fact that midterms were approaching so fast and also of the fact that I didn’t really do as much as I would’ve liked to prepare for them. My first two midterms of the year were on Friday, and I think (well I hope) I did relatively well. I do have to mention that it is incredibly difficult to do well when you are falling behind on all the reading and homework, which is a position that I would rather not be in this early in the school year. But unfortunately, my brain is still in summer mode and I don’t even know how many more cups of Starbucks Mocha (wow… those are REALLY good) my brain needs in order to stay awake and realize that school has started over a month ago and that it should really start functioning properly in order for my year to go at least relatively well. SO WAKE UP BRAIN.

And the second thing I wanted to say is how AMAZING it is to walk through the SUB in the morning from the bus loop while the rain is pelting down and the wind is blasting everywhere, to smell the AMAZING smell of coffee drifting from the Starbucks and basically hear the coffee scream, “COME GET SOME TOM, YOU KNOW YOU WANNA”. That’s when I realize that I do want to and I scan my card, leaving a couple minutes later with a steaming mocha or pumpkin spice latte in my hand. It takes all of my willpower to walk away without one, but the thought of having to refill my card more often is enough motivation for me to not. Haha.

As ironic as it sounds, I remember a few years back when I was still in high school saying that I will NEVER, EVER drink coffee. But I have underestimated the power of the Starbucks card and I have also underestimated how draining University would be. So here am I, sitting early in my lecture hall with a steaming cup of White Chocolate mocha beside me. After all, it’s the only thing that really helps me wake up nowadays. Yikes :1

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