Monthly Archives: September 2014

Round 2!

There’s an incredible excitement stepping onto campus again after four months. It’s crazy to see how much on campus has changed in just four months, and equally wonderful to be reminded of the things that haven’t: the past week has been filled with the familiar sights, sounds and tastes of Pi R Squared, Starbucks, SUB, Buchanan, CIRS, IKB, and all the other places I’ve frequented so far on campus since I left for the summer. I am always remind how gorgeous and beautiful the campus is and just how lucky I am to be going to school here. Grabbing my UPass, getting a Blue Chip Cookie, seeing the poster sale back on, checking out the festivities at IMAGINE, running to and from different buildings (I have a crazy trek this year! CIRS to Buch to ESB, no kidding!) and grabbing two quick slices of pizza at Pi R Squared are just some of the simple things I simply missed while I was gone during the summer. Anyways, I digress – it’s wonderful to be back.

With school starting, however, also come the hoards of reading assignments that come in (I’m ALREADY behind, can you imagine that?! It’s like the fourth day of school!), selling and buying textbooks, seeing old friends and classmates from your old classes in your new classes, overcoming the awkwardness of saying hello to new people in your new classes, and the daily struggle to run to catch (and fit in) the 99 or the 43. Good times.

Overall, it is so great to be back for another year and equally wonderful to now have declared and focussing on a direction for the rest of my education here. Where that will lead me, only time will tell, but as of now I am just incredibly excited and it really should be an awesome year! (UBC PSYCH FTW!)

Let’s go get ’em!

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