Staying Focused During Online Classes

With online classes becoming the new norm, it is essential to adapt to this new learning environment. How does one stay focused when Facebook is now literally a click away? We have come up with a list of tips that help keep you focused on your online lectures and screen casts.

Tip #1

Close bookmarks to any social media sites. This makes accessing them less tempting because they won’t be in sight.

Tip #2

Keep your phone out of reach. It’s very easy to pick up your phone and start texting and browsing social media when your phone is right next to you. Make it a hassle for yourself to get your phone by keeping it far away.

Tip #3

Play the screen-casts at 1.25 to 1.5 speed. We find that lecturers talk particularly slow for screen-casts to make themselves sound clearer. Dialing up the speed by a bit makes the lecture faster and at a more bearable pace.

Tip #4

Don’t watch lectures in bed. Actively take notes at a desk to keep yourself focused.

Tip #5

Ask questions using the chat function! One of the perks of online lectures is that people are less shy about asking questions.

Tip #6

Before starting on school work and assignments, take a 1-2 hour break. Your eyes need a break. You need a break. You deserve a break 🙂

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