Featured Student: Meet Golzar Ejadi

Golzar is going into her final year of studies in Biology and Psychology. Her passion for psychology has led her to gain research experience and form meaningful connections.


Golzar first majored in biology as it would give her the flexibility to pursue various healthcare careers, and to choose courses from various disciplines, like psychology. She enjoyed her first-year psychology courses so much that she ended up majoring in psychology too!

With her double major, Golzar’s opportunities have doubled as well. Golzar is keeping an open mind for the future, but she is leaning towards grad school, where she can continue to follow her passion and explore different psychology subfields.


Last year, Golzar was a research assistant at Living Lab. She learned how to communicate effectively with children and their parents, as well as how to run psychology tests and keep data.

As part of her directed studies, Golzar got to research linguistic diversity, and she even got her poster published! 


Since her first year, Golzar had been heavily involved in UBC clubs. Golzar eventually became the president of the Pre-Optometry Club, and she was also the photographer for the Heart and Stroke Foundation Club and UBC TWECS.

Outside of school, Golzar has been volunteering with Camp GoodTimes, and she also leads workshops to empower young women. Golzar’s involvement with the community has allowed her to meet new people.


Golzar emphasizes the importance of being open to talk to new people and to have new experiences, as these can all lead to greater opportunities.

Although she believes that grades don’t define an individual, Golzar suggests sitting at the front of the class to be more successful in one’s studies. This has helped her focus and connect with hardworking classmates. 

For those who like to sing, Golzar highly recommends taking choir – that’s where she met one of her closest friends! For those who commute, she also suggests bringing food from home because campus food can be pricey.


Golzar has been volunteering with a non-profit organization to put together and deliver care packages. She has also been practicing her vocals, relaxing at the beach and parks, and doing video call workouts with her friends! 


-Golzar has a cousin with the same name as her.

-She is a cat lover!

-Her favourite campus study spot is in the Scarfe building, where there’s a lot of natural light and just enough background noise.

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