Things I Wish I Knew in First Year

Transitioning from high school to university can be very tough. There are many things we wish we knew when we started our undergraduate journey. But worry not, we have put together a list of things we wish we knew in first year.

I wish I knew #1…

Having an idea what major you want to do in second year is important, even if you don’t declare majors in first year. This is because many second year majors have different prerequisites. If you know what majors you’re interested in, you could potentially skip some boring general first year science courses.

I wish I knew #2…

This is mostly for commuter students. Try to plan so that you do not have to go to school on some days. This saves a few trips back and forth. Even with online schooling, we recommend having days without scheduled classes so you can have a small break.

I wish I knew #3…

A lot of textbooks can be found for free online! Do some internet browsing before purchasing a textbook. If they can’t be found, ALWAYS BUY USED. You can save a decent amount of money by doing this.

I wish I knew #4…

Rate my professors isn’t always the most reliable, but grade distributions are a different story. Search up grade distributions of different courses at

I wish I knew #5…

Choose a major that you will like, even if it is hard! It is much more fulfilling to do something that you enjoy. Trust me when we say that doing well is mostly based on your level of interest and not by how “easy” something is.

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