RUSS 101: Basic Russian I (Review)

Interested in learning a new language, or looking for a chill arts course to fulfill your arts requirement? Consider RUSS 101, a 3-credit course that teaches you the basics of the Russian language.


There were daily in-class quizzes, weekly online quizzes, homework questions, and a final. That may sound like a lot to do, but it’s not time-consuming. The quizzes and homework exercises were fairly short and simple to do.

Veta was an easy-going instructor and she created a learning environment that felt safe and non-judgemental, which really helps when students have to practice speaking out loud in a foreign language. For those of us who are more timid: don’t worry, there were no presentations. We simply practiced reading textbook phrases out loud/starting simple conversations with our peers.

GPA ๐Ÿ™‚ OR ๐Ÿ™

This course was a booster (A+), and it didn’t require a lot of effort – you would still need to review and familiarize yourself with the vocabulary and grammar, but it usually only took me 1-2 hours per week.

Check out the grade distribution below from Winter 2018:

RUSS 101 Grade Distribution (Credits:


If you want to learn a new language but also can’t afford to dedicate a chunk of time to it, I recommend taking RUSS 101. This course should be a breeze for you, especially if you’re good with languages, or have learned French.

For more information on this course, visit theย course website.

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