Tag Archives: plants

More steroids, plants, fungi

Steroids are not only relegated to the animal world; fungi and plants synthesize many steroids as well. One particular example of clinical relevance is ergosterol, found in the cell membranes of fungi where it serves a similar role to cholesterol in animal cell membranes. This can be exploited by antifungal medications: azole drugs such as clotrimazole and miconazole function by inhibiting ergosterol synthesis. Specifically, they inhibit the 14α-demethylase enzyme that converts lanosterol to ergosterol (note the similarities to the cholesterol pathway discussed in this previous post). [1]

Ergosterol can also be converted to ergocalciferol in a UV-light dependent reaction, similarly to the synthesis of Vitamin D3 in animals. In fact, ergocalciferol is also known as Vitamin D2, and like cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol can be hydroxylated twice to 1,25-dihydroxyergocalciferol or ercalcitriol, which binds to the Vitamin D receptor and causes its effects, although the binding of Vitamin D2 may not be as strong. [2]

There are diverse steroids made by plants, some of which have toxic effects. Of note are digoxin and digitoxin produced by the foxglove plant. These two chemicals consisted of a carbohydrate chain attached to a modified steroid, and they can be fatal if ingested. They inhibit the Na+/K+ ATPase responsible for establishing the electrochemical gradient within the cell, which is exploited for the use of digoxin as a drug for arrhythmias and heart failure due to the ability of the medication to increase the contractility of the heart when given at low doses. [3]

These are only some of the steroids occurring in plants and fungi. In the future, maybe more will be discovered with important biological activities!

[1] Herrick, E. J., & Hashmi, M. F. (2021). Antifungal Ergosterol Synthesis Inhibitors. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551581/
[2] Houghton, L. A., & Vieth, R. (2006). The case against ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) as a vitamin supplement. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 84(4), 694–697. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/84.4.694
[3] Hauptman, P. J., & Kelly, R. A. (1999). Digitalis. Circulation, 99(9), 1265–1270. https://doi.org/10.1161/01.cir.99.9.1265

Plants: Making Air Easier to Breathe

We’ve all heard on the news or learned in elementary schools about the mass deforestation going on all over the world. But have you ever stopped to wonder, why exactly is this bad? Why do we need plants and trees at all?

It turns out, plants are efficient in resupplying the air with oxygen, while removing carbon dioxide! The former, being essential to our survival, and the latter being a gas involved in global warming.

an inside look into plants

So how exactly do they do this? In turns out that inside the plants’ cells there are special machinery capable of splitting water (H2O). This machinery is called an electron transport chain (ETC).

Using sunlight, the ETC extracts energy from the water – leading to the generation of oxygen as a “waste” product. Ironically what’s considered waste for them is gold in terms of survival for us.

When it comes to removing carbon dioxide they have another set of machinery. For the plant, carbon dioxide is like food: they trap the carbon dioxide and convert them into carbohydrates and other nutrients.

rubisco – the single bad life-essential solution

A key piece of machinery in this conversion is RuBisCo – an enzyme. An enzyme is a molecule that speeds up biochemical reactions, and surprisingly RuBisCo is one of the least efficient in existence (think of RuBisCo as a bike and other enzymes as the newest Tesla).

So you might be thinking, if RuBisCo is such a bad enzyme, can’t scientists just make a better version of RuBisCo? This would increase crop yields, and be good for the environment! Well, scientists have tried and failed … it seems like this is the only bad solution to a complex problem. Along with the ability to split water at ease (which scientists also can’t do), this is why plants are biochemical miracles.