Upcoming iPhone 5 to be most successful smartphone ever?

InMobi Smartphone Study Reveals 41% of Mobile Users to Buy Apple iPhone 5

In a recent survey conducted by “InMobi”, a very successful mobile ad network, the iPhone 5 is forecasted to shatter the smartphone market with 41% of current mobile phone users in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S saying they plan to buy the iPhone when it is released. Apple currently holds 27% of the mobile smartphone market share as of June 2011, however, if the iPhone is as successful as predicted that number could jump to 41% of the total market share by early 2012. This would secure Apple’s position as the top smartphone producer in the world.

Interestingly enough, InMobi’s study found that over 50% of Blackberry users are planning to switch to the iPhone 5 within the first six months of its release, and over 50% of previous iPhone users will be willing to make the purchase as well. This could be one of the final devastating blows to RIM and its Blackberry, as its facing ever increasing competition from Apple and Android operating systems, and a dwindling share price.

James Lamberti, the VP of Global Research and Marketing at InMobi stated: “The combination of Apple’s increasing market share in mobile advertising and general consumer interest in their latest technology is another boon for the mobile advertising industry. Apple is currently the clear leader in terms of compelling user experience and customer loyalty, and we feel that their quality and pace of innovation when it comes to mobile devices will continue to improve the content and advertising experience for consumers for iPhone 5 and beyond.”

The iPhone 5 is set to be unveiled on October 5th by Apple. Its been declared as one of the most anticipated devices of the year, and of all time, and could strengthen Apple even further as the world’s “Best Brand”.

Rumored iPhone 5

Sean P Aune, 2011, Rumored iPhone 5. ONLINE IMAGE: http://www.technobuffalo.com/companies/apple/iphone/iphone-5-slated-for-mid-sept-release/, 30 September 2011

30. September 2011 by thomasmoult
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