Why Threads?


First things first. Listen to this song whilst reading this. And then watch the music video after, its the best.

Now, Lets us begin with the idea of a thread.

Seems simple in essence, a small material that is used to hold pieces of fabrics together in a unified fashion, that then creates a larger whole/entity.

Threads create the seams that keeps the clothes on our bodies, keeps the patches in a quilt together, holds the sleeves to our jackets and the pockets to our pants. It holds together crucial bits and pieces, that create a larger item.

Threads with a capitol “T” may not have any more meaning than the definition I proposed above. And if so, I accept that, I will not lose sleep over it, since that is life and not all people like the words you like. However, Threads with a capitol “T” represents, to me, life.

Life is series of Threads. Imagine every human being has a thread connected to their shoes, their ear, their index, or the tip of their nose, the place that is attached to on the human anatomy is rather irrelevant. However, every person walks, moves, eats, sleeps, and crosses paths with other humans if it is on the bus, going to work, or even sleep walking.

That act of crossing another persons path means in theory, your little thread of green, purple or blue, intersecting with another. And another, and another. And soon you, the lady with the pink hat with the flower on the bus today, the handsome chap with the satchel bag at the coffee shop and the little toddler with the Osh Kosh dungarees, have started to weave together your Threads, the beginnings of a larger master piece to come.

You may be the first Thread to cross anothers, or the last to complete their colourful quilted masterpiece they call their life, however, you are now part of larger entity without even knowing your fellow artist.

What a strange metaphor. Even literally spelling it out, I find myself wrestling with the idea of a Thread with a capitol “T”.

However, to put it more tangibly, life consists of us constantly bumping into things. Whether it is people, ideas or lampost, these things shape our experience, and create a beautiful story of our lives. Much like the crossing of many different, ever so different, individual Threads.

Mad Love,


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