Build Corporation Cultural On Top Of The Shared Value
It is not enough to only upgrade the goods and services being offered to the public in an age of technological revolution, a strong business also needs to keep its employees “up to date”. The advancement in information technologies have increased company’s’ operation efficiency to a new level, however the drawbacks present huge problems for many businesses.
Have you ever received a fake lottery call or an email? If your answer is YES, then you are the vulnerable target of the “advancing technology”. This not only affects people’s personal life but also their jobs as well.
Imagine how an untrained employee can be misled and click a link sent out by cyber criminals to obtain a company’s private information. Through offering employee related workshops on technology scams, a company is able to minimize its vulnerability to these threats. Shared value is created when the company offers free employee education because training current employees to acquire more skill sets is much more efficient than searching and hiring new ones.
Furthermore, many firms go above and beyond the simple idea of offering free education and create their unique corporate cultural based on the idea of shared values. Google for example, builds many entertainment facilities to ensure the needs and wants of their employees are satisfied. Who doesn’t want to work at a company where all aspects of their life is being taken care of? Through “building facilities that can make employees’ life easier”, Google enjoys the creativity and overtime productivity by workers who “live” in the company.
This unique corporate culture is one of the reasons that make Google successful because many talented people like me are attracted to this creative casual and democratic atmosphere.
Works Cited:
“How Employee Education Can Help Keep Your Business Cyber safe.” How Employee Education Can Help Keep Your Business Cyber Safe. 16 Oct. 2014. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. <>.
Johansson, Greg. “Google: The World’s Most Successful Corporate Culture.” Suite. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. <>.