The Rocks+ Pebbles+ Sand = United Nations+ Social Enterprises

To answer the question If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?, there are a few areas of concerns that I want to address.  

Is the United Nations doing its job of allocating resources to help couriers out of poverty? YES!

Can corruptions in countries result in the inefficiency of resources distribution? YES!

Are all the countries on this planet under the umbrella of the United Nation? NO!

Can the United Nations target every single group with a specific need in each country? NO!

Are people’s voice always being hear by the First Nations representatives? NO!

The above Q&A points out that the United Nation is trying to its job however, it is restricted by many constraints such as inefficient communications and government conditions. Furthermore, the operation principle of the United Nations is to improve the country as a whole and not heavily interfere with the actual rulings and policies decisions. On the other hand, social enterprise usually focuses on the bottom of the ladder where the root of the issue lies.

Both the United Nations and small social enterprise are dedicated to improve social conditions in many third world countries, topics ranging from human rights to environmental awareness. The United Nations work down its way from the government level while the social enterprises climb their way up the ladder. Bigger national issues are left to the United Nations while the social enterprises such as Arc find their niche target audience and offer supports.

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How to fill an empty mayonnaise jar? Use rock, pebbles, and sand.

To solve to problems presented in developing countries, the United Nations serves as the big rocks that take up a lot of spaces while the social enterprises are the sand that can fill the Ares in between the rocks.


Works Cited:

“Rocks, Pebbles and Sand.” Triumph of the Spirit. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.

“United Nations Commission for Social Development (CSocD) – Social Policy and Development Division.” United Nations Commission for Social Development (CSocD) – Social Policy and Development Division. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.

“What Is Social Entrepreneurship?” Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.


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