Shaanxi, Tianjin, and Sichuan Folktales

Shaanxi, Tianjin, and Sichuan Folktales (Northwestern Mandarin)

by Taozi (Sophia) from Shaanxi

Shaanxi folksong

His mother’s oldest brother and hist mother’s second-oldest brother are both his uncles.

The high table and the low bench are both wood.

Gold and silver are not enough.

The sky is above and the earth is below, baby, don’t be arrogant.

His mother’s oldest brother and hist mother’s second-oldest brother are both his uncles.

The high table and the low bench are both wood.

One step forward and one step back equals no movement.

One donkey and two cows are all livestock.


Tianjin folksong

Pull a big saw, pull a big saw! Grandma’s singing opera in front of the door

To meet her daughter, and welcome her son-in-law.

The little grandchildren all want to go see,

But the oldest grandson is not allowed to go.

The oldest grandson isn’t willing,

The angry oldest grandson is farting.

The rubber band is skipping crazily!

My mom is going to spank me!

Grandma, please come quickly

‘Cause my mom is going to spank me!


Sichuan folksong

(Can you notice any rhymes? Use different colors to show which words rhyme)

“Riding a horse to Chengdu”

The fat and chubby baby

Is riding a horse to Chengdu.

Chengdu is so fun!

The fat baby is riding a white horse.

He rides high on the horse,

And plays with a sword.

The sword is so cool!

The fat baby is eating sweet dumplings.

He eats too much and poos!

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