Jan 26 2011

Pizza meal plus cookies.. Am I in heaven? (Marketing Assignment Blog #2)

Published by at 6:53 pm under Uncategorized

I was just browsing the internet for materials for week 2’s marketing blog assignment until I saw this piece of news.

DiGiorno’s Pizza And Cookies Combo Is Watershed Moment In American Obesity

DiGiorno, one of the largest frozen pizza brands in the United States, is launching a new product that boxes two of American’s most favorite foods, pizza and cookies, together. DiGiorno is a product under the well-known brand Nestlé. DiGiorno is marketed under the name of “Delissio” in Canada.

Normally pizzas go with appetizers such as chicken wings or cheese-y bread sticks (and DiGiorno has already packaged pizza and wings before in the past, according to the left picture below).

Source: www.delish.com

But this time, DiGiorno chose to pair up pizza with chocolate chip cookies (to be exact, cookie dough that bakes 12 cookies), which none of the frozen pizza companies had done before. This undoubtedly broadens the target market to parents, since chocolate chip cookies is one of children’s favourite snack. Nestlé at the same time, can advertise their chocolate chip cookie dough and let consumers have a sample of what they taste like, thus increasing the chance of people actually purchasing them in the future.

Pairing up these two items seem like it’ll create a perfect meal for families. However, according to Nestlé’s webpage on their chocolate chip cookie dough,  1 serving of it already contains 130 calories and 12% of fat; also according to fatsecret.com, DiGiorno pizzas have an average of 350 calories per 1/5 pizza. Imagine if someone purchases the pizza/cookie combo and consumes the whole thing him/herself, that would automatically be 3310 calories!

This pizza/cookie combo does look mouth-watering to people. However, Nestlé isn’t doing a very great job on lowering the obesity rate in the United States.

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