Revealing your data: Facebook prepares to track screen cursors

In our previous marketing classes, we have learned how important it is to understand consumer behavior and target the correct customers. Each group of people have cultural, social and personal factors affecting them. Each customer have their distinct personal memory, habits, perceptions and processing. In this article, it illustrates that Facebook will be tracking the actual “cursor” movements of users instead of just clicks, in order to understand user’s tastes and preferences much more. This can aid the segmenting and targeting when marketers try to seek for customers to sell their product/service to. 

However, these new technologies led me into thinking about the invasion of privacy. With the recent NSA incident of spying and hacking of computers, people are more aware of their personal data on their electronic devices.

According to the article, these cursor tracings are able to determine almost all of your choices at that instant while looking at a certain webpage. It may even be able to determine your sexuality. In my opinion, I believe that there should be constrains to how much these tech companies are allowed to track their customers and users, as some of these may already be considered as invading privacy.

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