Category Archives for Spring
Random seed sowing
Well, my green thumb is itching to get planting, so I randomly planted one of my long containers today with Swiss Chard, beets, and spinach in hopes of starting a cool-weather-tolerant container of leafy greens that will be ready in … Continue reading
How to build a PVC hoop tunnel
This year I am near the top of the waiting list for a community garden plot, so I am already planning what to plant in it and how to extend the growing season. A good way is to make a … Continue reading
Patiently waiting for spring
I have my meagre winter containers planted and still have no word as to whether we have been assigned a community garden plot, so in all my spare time I’ve planned out the patio garden for next year. It’s not … Continue reading
Sugar and Shelling Peas
This year I planted two varieties of peas: Little Marvel, a bush variety; and Oregon Sugar Pod, a trailing variety. I have never tried growing peas in containers before, so here is my progress thus far. Oregon Sugar Pod This … Continue reading
Radishes – A review
I did a companion planting experiment where I planted quick-growing radishes with slower-growing beets. The idea is that the radishes will be ready to harvest about a month before the beets, therefore loosening the soil for the beets when the … Continue reading
Time for something new!
The weather has warmed up significantly and we’ve had a good stretch of sunshine. I was able to harvest my Toy Choy twice before it bolted. Now I have to think of what to plant in this pot, since I … Continue reading
Patio overview
I should have posted overview pictures of my patio at an earlier date to show the space that I have to work with. My patio is roughly 8′ x 12′ in the inner courtyard of our ‘U’-shaped building on the … Continue reading
General Update – Busy week
I’ve been pretty busy this week and didn’t get to post as much as usual, but I did take some photos. Temperatures have warmed up to consistently above 10 degrees Celsius and have had some very sunny days, as well … Continue reading
Drooping Swiss chard seedlings
As I had mentioned in previous posts, I am starting Swiss chard seedlings indoors before I transplant them into a container outside. Two days ago, my chard seedlings went from bright and healthy to pale and droopy. I think the … Continue reading