
Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre

Posted by in 2016 Spring/Summer

The Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) is a team of researchers dedicated to finding evidence-based strategies that will reduce stigma and improve resilience among vulnerable youth populations. The Principal Investigator and Director of SARAVYC is Dr Elizabeth Saewyc. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we collaborate with health professionals, policy-makers, educators, and service providers to identify the social forces and strategies that foster healthy environments for youth. SARAVYC receives research funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), national and provincial governments,…read more


Man-Up Against Suicide

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

Man-Up Against Suicide is a research project aimed at breaking silences and stimulating conversation on the issue of men’s depression and suicide. We collected photos and narratives from 60 Canadian men and women who had been affected by a man’s suicide and put them on display in exhibitions that were shown across the country. Included also were photographs and stories of men who had previously thought about killing themselves. These exhibits had a powerful impact on those who viewed them, providing space and inspiration for people to share their own…read more

Men’s Health

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

Dude’s Club If you’re a man living on the Downtown Eastside (DTES), life can be lonely. Until recently, very few health and wellness services existed that addressed isolation and encouraged men to seek out medical care and social connections. In 2010, UBC clinical assistant professor, Dr. Paul Gross, physician at the Vancouver Native Health Clinic, along with Doreen Littlejohn, Manager of The Positive Outlook Program, a centre for people living with HIV/AIDS on the DTES, embarked on a mission to address this gap in services in the area. Men struggling…read more

Ethel Johns

Posted by in 2016 Spring/Summer

Plaque Celebrates Contributions to Nursing On February 10, 2015, more than 40 guests gathered at Cecil Green Park House to honour the naming of Ethel Johns (1879-1968), the first Director of the UBC School of Nursing, as a Person of National Historic Significance by the Government of Canada. The focal point of the ceremony was a large, bronze plaque, which details the historic significance of Johns’ contributions to the development of professional nursing in British Columbia, nationally and internationally. “Ethel Johns was an extraordinary woman, a nursing leader who fought…read more

From One Generation to the Next

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

Nursing Class of 1958 Emergency Award Although backgrounds differed—some hailed from the farm, others from the inner city—the Class of 1958 faced the same long nights in the Vancouver General Hospital. At that time, UBC nursing students spent the entire 27-month practicum in those antiseptic wards. At night, they were even prevented from leaving, locked up inside that quiet, labyrinthine building because administration sought to “protect young women.” Yet these women wielded grown-up responsibilities—bedside care and treatment—for which many felt almost unprepared. Today the UBC Bachelor of Nursing Science program…read more


Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

St Paul’s Hospital Joins SoN in Landmark Partnership to Promote Cardiovascular Health On February 25, 2016, UBC Nursing and St. Paul’s Hospital announced the formation of a landmark partnership to improve cardiovascular nursing care at the hospital and across Canada. The new UBC and St. Paul’s Hospital Professorship in Cardiovascular Nursing is undertaking leading research to inform best practices around cardiovascular nursing, and translate these evidence-based practices to nursing education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at UBC. The Professorship was born out of clinical research that clearly demonstrates…read more


Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

Annette Browne, Professor, is the recipient of the 2015 John McNeill Excellence in Health Research Mentorship Award Victoria Bungay, Associate Professor, received a SSHRC-funded Canada Research Chair in Gender, Equity and Community Engagement Wendy Hall, Professor, has received the 2016 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education. Emily Jenkins, Assistant Professor, has been awarded the Outstanding Dissertation Award for her doctoral thesis, Contributing to the development of community-based knowledge translation through the creation, implementation and evaluation of a youth mental health promotion…read more


MHLP – Clinical Education

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

Elevating Clinical Learning The changing landscape of health care, the introduction of new technologies and the identification of novel approaches to the provision of clinical care has created the need for highly proficient clinical educators. These leaders must be able to analyze practice trends, identify learning needs, and develop an educational strategy to address needs within a wide array of clinical practice contexts. UBC’s new Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Clinical Education is designed for clinical educators to develop the skills required by top employers. The UBC Master…read more

Nursing Partnership & Awards Gala

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

2016 Each year the School of Nursing is pleased to host our annual gala event to honour our alumni and community partners. Alumni, faculty, students and staff such as those in the array of photos below, catch up with one another, share a few laughs, drinks and hors d’oeuvres, and take time to recognize the important work of our award recipients.

Nursing PhD Reunion

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

A Vision for the Future of Doctorally Prepared Nurses What were you doing in 1991? The School of Nursing was launching its PhD program, and a handful of students were taking their next step in advancing their nursing careers. Some of these first graduates recently joined with faculty, more alumni from the program, and current PhD students to celebrate the past and give focussed attention to the future of doctorally-prepared nurses. Guests gathered at the Robert H Lee Alumni Centre on September 17, 2016 for each of two events. The…read more

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