
Patricia Mary Wadsworth

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

May 1, 1931 – August 16, 2017 A graduate of the VGH School of Nursing (1954) and UBC with degrees in Nursing (1955) and Adult Education (1970), Pat also achieved a Fellowship in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Her awards include a scholarship from the Canadian Nurses’ Foundation, a Queens Silver Jubilee Medal, Meritorious Award from the BC Health Association, RNABC Award of Distinction, Regents Award and Honorary Member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, RNFBC Honourary Membership, UBC Nursing Alumni Recognition, Recognition by the Missionary Sisters of…read more

Nursing Alumni Engagement

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

In 2015 and 2016, three alumni engagement focus groups were held across the Lower Mainland at VGH, St. Paul’s and BC Children’s hospitals. The purpose of the events was to inform our alumni engagement plan by talking to alumni about their ideas on activities, events, and meaningful engagement with the School of Nursing after graduation. A large turnout at each one of the three focus group sessions was a great indicator that our alumni were pleased to engage with the School of Nursing. Participants recommended actions in three areas. They…read more

Graduate Student Research Symposium

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

May 3, 2017 The Graduate Student Research Symposium is an annual event that forms part of the Graduate Student in Nursing Association’s (GSNA) goal to enrich student experience of graduate education. The Symposium provides an opportunity for nursing students to share innovative projects, scholarship, and research in a dynamic, interactive, and supportive setting. In May of 2017 the Nursing Graduate Students gathered with friends, family, and colleagues at the Irving K. Barber Library to share their findings, exhibit their posters, and learn about ongoing research initiatives and policy updates from…read more


Christina Chant

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Interview with an MSN Student You have been a primary care nurse for over 10 years. Why Nursing? I grew up with a number of nurses in my life. So when it came to making a decision about what I wanted to study, I thought, why not try nursing? It was a bit of a gamble as I didn’t really know what nurses actually do. However, my experience in primary care nursing has been dynamic and engaging – I am constantly challenged and learning. Being present with people, and being…read more

Allie Slemon & Carla Hilario

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

At Universitas 21 Annual Meeting 2017 – Johannesburg While summer gave way to autumn in the northern hemisphere, we (Carla Hilario and Allie Slemon) made our way to the southern tip of the African continent where Johannesburg was saying farewell to its winter. Our destination was the University of Johannesburg – to join the annual meeting of the Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group, a global network of researchintensive universities working collaboratively toward innovations in health science education and research. Together with Dr. Suzanne Campbell, we were introduced to an exciting…read more

Enhancing CV Nursing Research at UBC

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Sandra Lauck Accepts St Paul’s Hospital and Heart & Stroke Foundation Professorship in Cardiovascular Nursing at UBC The UBC School of Nursing, in partnership with St Paul’s Hospital, is proud to announce that Dr Sandra Lauck has been selected to hold the St Paul’s Hospital and Heart & Stroke Foundation Professorship in Cardiovascular Nursing at UBC. This professorship will advance nursing research and education collaboration between university and hospital, to enhance cardiovascular nursing care at St Paul’s and across Canada. As a clinical assistant professor in the UBC School of…read more


Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Annette Browne | Award: UBC Distinguished University Scholar Award | Awarded by: UBC President Cathy Ebbehoj | Award: Alumni Builder Award | Awarded by: UBC Alumni 100 Bernie Garrett | Award: Inaugural Fellow of the Canadian Nurse Educator Institute | Awarded by: Canadian Nurse Educator Institute Lillian Hung | Award: Top Graduating Doctoral Student | Supervisor: Alison Phinney | Area of Research: Dementia Judith Lynam | Award: the Janusz Korczak Canadian Social Pediatrics Award for advancing inter-professional and intersectoral relationships | Awarded by: Janusz Korczak Association of Canada Judith Lynam…read more


Improving Health Equity for LGBTQ Youth in Canada and Globally

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Addressing the Role of Families and Culture Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and Two Spirit (LGBTQ2S) adolescents face significant health disparities compared to their heterosexual and cis-gender peers in every country where research has tracked their health. There are some positive signs, but it’s less clear whether advances are equally relevant for youth from diverse ethnic youth, or whether there are disparities within LGBTQ youth populations, where particular efforts are not as effective at that intersection of sexual orientation, gender identity, and culture. “We are learning about what works in…read more

The Full Spectrum

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Public Health Research Improves Outcomes for All Among our researchers in the field of substance use is Dr Emily Jenkins, who joined the School of Nursing in 2016 as an Assistant Professor. Her research sets as its goal, “optimizing mental health and substance use for populations – from the individual to whole communities – while privileging the voice of the patient/community to make sure that the knowledge generated resonates with the user and is responsive to diverse lived experiences.” Dr Jenkins’ research encompasses the whole spectrum of healthcare. It covers…read more

Professor of Teaching

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

The Highest Rank in the Educational Leadership Stream The Professor of Teaching rank was added to UBC’s Educational Leadership (teaching) stream in 2011. It fulfils the university’s mandate to provide educational leadership, outstanding teaching, and curriculum development. It also offers a forum for recognizing and rewarding those merits. Professor of Teaching is the highest academic rank for the teaching stream. Instructors and Senior Instructors may be considered for promotion to this rank if they meet the criteria, which include: …evidence of outstanding achievement in teaching and educational leadership, distinction in…read more

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