

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

Geertje Boschma, Professor, received the Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for her research on the history of nursing. Suzanne Campbell, Director, won a Book of the Year Award from the American Journal of Nursing. Paddy Rodney, Associate Professor, won a Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Bioethics Society. Leanne Currie, Associate Professor, was named winner of a CRNBC Award of Excellence in nursing research. Joanne Ricci, Senior Instructor, was named winner of a CRNBC Award of Excellence in nursing education.


UBC Nursing says Farewell

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

Joy Johnson to be next SFU Vice President, Research UBC Nursing Professor Joy Johnson will take the reins as Simon Fraser University’s fifth Vice President, Research starting September 1, 2014. Joy Johnson has been a faculty member with the UBC School of Nursing since 1993 after completing her doctoral studies at the University of Alberta. She has been a mentor to students and faculty, while making expert contributions to the School in strategic planning, development, alumni relations, and important initiatives like the establishment of the Nursing Advisory Council. A leading…read more


Anna Russell – BSN (’11)

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

“I love what I have learned from the people in these communities.” Anna Russell (BSN ’11) has turned a self-described ‘restlessness’ into an asset in building a very full resume in the few years since her graduation from UBC. She has worked at an outreach clinic in Vancouver’s downtown eastside, the Dr. Peter Centre, the acute spine unit at Vancouver General Hospital, and now in rural BC communities with the First Nations Health Authority. Russell’s final preceptorship during her BSN was at a clinic run by Vancouver Native Health in…read more


Alumni Engagement

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

UBC Nursing Class of 1975 There is a lot to mention about the UBC Nursing Class of 1975. Two of the School’s faculty members – Cathy Ebbehoj and Joanne Ricci – come from this class. Also, the College of Registered Nurses of BC honoured a member of this class, Val Munroe, in 2013 with an Award of Excellence in Administration, and this year Joanne Ricci will receive an Award of Excellence in Teaching. We caught up with Joanne Ricci, lecturer at the UBC School of Nursing as she shares with…read more

Marion Woodward Lecture 2013

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

“Health starts in our neighbourhoods, our homes, our schools and our workplaces.” The 46th annual Marion Woodward Lecture, graciously supported by Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation and organized by UBC School of Nursing was held on November 6, 2013 at UBC Robson Square. Dr. Josephine Etowa, an Associate Professor and Loyer DaSilva Research Chair in Public Health Nursing, in the School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa was invited. Dr. Etowa’s evening talk, “Strengthening Leadership in Community Health Nursing and Collaborative Partnerships” gathered a range of…read more

Janet Rosenfeld – MN-NP (’09)

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

“When NPs and physicians work collaboratively, the patient care is enhanced and the overall primary health care experience is improved.” Janet Rosenfeld (MN-NP ‘09) has worked in various roles as a Registered Nurse and is currently working as a Nurse Practioner at Fraser Health under the Mental Health and Substance Use Services. Janet shares with us her experience in the profession. Tell me about your professional practice experience before becoming an NP? Where did you practice? Upon graduating with a diploma in nursing in 1983, I worked in a variety…read more

Enhancing Student Experience with Flexible Learning

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

The next time you’re in a coffee shop, a library, or a park, and you see a nursing student with a laptop watching a video, he or she may be using flexible learning to prepare for their next lab or class. Flexible learning strategies are designed to encourage more effective improvements in learning and allow for students to have more choice in when, and how they learn. UBC has made a significant commitment to flexible learning, and, thanks to a recent grant from the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund, the…read more

“I’ve had students tell me that this was the best day and that they have found their career niche.”

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

When Ranjit Dhari began working as a public health nurse in Ontario, her car was equipped with home health supplies, a shovel, and sandbags. To navigate the long, snow-packed driveways of the rural farmhouses where her elderly patients lived, she needed to be resourceful. “You had to know how to dig yourself out of these driveways or else you were stuck in the snow,” recalls Dhari. “I loved it.” Dhari takes that same resolve and resourcefulness to her teaching in the UBC Nursing BSN program. Dhari teaches Professional Population Public…read more


The Importance of Safe, Inclusive Spaces in Youth Health

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

What do we know about the health needs of young people in Canada? Are programs and services available to youth meeting their needs? These are some of the questions driving the research of the Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, lead under the direction of Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, Professor in the UBC School of Nursing. Over the last year, researchers with SARAVYC published studies in various journals using data from the BC Adolescent Health Survey (BCAHS). This survey of British Columbia youth is done every five years by the…read more

UBC Nursing Research on Men’s Depression gets Boost from Movember Canada

Posted by in 2014 Spring/Summer

UBC Nursing professor and founder of the UBC Men’s Health Research program, Dr. John Oliffe, received almost $3.0 million from Movember Canada. His research is one of several projects to share in $12 million in funding from Movember Canada with guidance from the Canadian Men’s Health Network (CMHN) to support men’s mental health initiatives. Dr. Oliffe came to research this area while writing for grant funding back in 1997. Looking at published literature on the topic, he noted, “depression was underreported in men, men were diagnosed with depression at half…read more

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