
Professor of Teaching

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

The Highest Rank in the Educational Leadership Stream The Professor of Teaching rank was added to UBC’s Educational Leadership (teaching) stream in 2011. It fulfils the university’s mandate to provide educational leadership, outstanding teaching, and curriculum development. It also offers a forum for recognizing and rewarding those merits. Professor of Teaching is the highest academic rank for the teaching stream. Instructors and Senior Instructors may be considered for promotion to this rank if they meet the criteria, which include: …evidence of outstanding achievement in teaching and educational leadership, distinction in…read more

Elsie Tan

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

The School’s First Professor of Teaching To nurse or to teach? Elsie Tan didn’t have to choose between the two. She is a nursing educator, and one of such extraordinary talent that she has achieved the rank of Professor of Teaching – a fairly new rank at UBC. Elsie is only the 25th UBC professor to obtain the rank since it was introduced in 2011, and the very first Professor of Teaching at the School of Nursing. While rising through the ranks, Elsie has demonstrated her passion and commitment to…read more

Alumni & Partnership Awards Gala

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

May 4, 2017 Each year the School of Nursing sends out a call to our friends and colleagues to nominate our alumni and partners for recognition of their achievements in or beneficence to the field of nursing at home and abroad. Our annual Gala is our opportunity to thank and to celebrate with five awards, tasty food and drink, great music, and lively conversation. Shelagh Smith – seen above with other award winners and at right with her family – received the 2017 Donor Partnership Award for her many generous…read more

Mental Illness and Substance Use

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Challenging Old and Persistent Paradigms Marion Woodward Lecturer 2017: Deborah S. Finnel Attendees at the 2017 Marion Woodward Lecture on October 5 walked away with a threefold message delivered by Dr Deborah Finnell, a researcher, nurse practitioner, and a professor at John’s Hopkins University’s School of Nursing: mental and substance use disorders are brain-based, words matter, the nursing workforce must build capacity to address the needs of these vulnerable populations. The Marion Woodward Lecture, which is supported annually by the Mr and Mrs P.A. Woodward’s Foundation each fall, features a…read more

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