
The best way to predict the future is to co-create it

Posted by in 2018 Fall/Winter

Back to Table of Contents The best way to predict the future is to co-create it Nursing in the not-too-distant future – 2019 Marion Woodward Lecture     “The next generation of robots will have more functional bodies and enhanced artificial intelligence. “Cobots” (collaborative robots) will be healthcare colleagues that fetch items, carry out simple routines, retain information, and relay communications between patients and health professionals.  Representatives from the Emerging Media Lab explained the resources available to UBC researchers and educators in current techniques (right). Guests were eager to try…read more



Posted by in 2018 Fall/Winter

Back to Table of Contents Kudos     Jennifer Kryworuchko, who graduated from Algonquin College in 1996, received an award from her alma mater in September. The Alumni of Distinction in Health Sciences 2019 award honours the extraordinary contributions graduates make to the community while achieving career success.   Annette Browne, has been inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. The fellowship recognizes a record of substantial accomplishment in academic health science, including demonstrated leadership and creativity and a commitment to advance the discipline. It is…read more


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