“The Boogly Trolls”

This is the tale of the Booglytrolls, who was very much like other trolls, but prided themselves in being individualists. This tale begins like many other Booglytroll tales, with the group of trolls having a Boogly meeting on how they could possibly make their troll congregation more exclusive. You see, Booglytrolls were much like other trolls in terms of appearance, diet, nature, habits, and well… everything (although they will argue differently). The only thing that set them apart was their mutual hate for the term ‘troll’ and what it stood for. They thought themselves to be much more akin to other mystical creatures, like elves or mermaids. Yes, mermaids. And on this particular day they were discussing how they could distance themselves from common, by the mill, trolls.

“We must make the world see us for what we really are! Truly majestic creatures, who are one with nature, like the mermaids are with the ocean”, said Dygtig, passionately.

“If we want people to see us as mermaids then why not just relocate to the ocean”, piped Flotte.

The trolls began talking over one another, the solution did seem quite simple, relocating to the sea would make them practically mermaids. And trolls always chose to live in the mountains, so what better way to distance themselves from those common trolls than to live somewhere totally opposite? The solution was quite obvious, they were surprised they hadn’t thought of it before. Booglytrolls thought they were quite intelligent you see.

The vote was unanimous.

The Booglytrolls took to the sea, and dived deep, deep down to the depths of the ocean floor, where they remained happily for the rest of their lives, under the impression that they were glorious mermaids.

—Megan Jensen