In the loop: January 30-February 3



Monday January 30th: Pro-D day, no school for students

Skating: Our next skating day is Thursday February 9th, 1-3pm. A parent has kindly volunteered their time to drive the skating gear over to Trout Lake.

February Snack Schedule

March Snack Schedule

Work charts 

Grade 1:January30-February3_grade1workchart

Grade 2: January30-February3_Grade2workchart

Grade 3: January31-February3_Lessons (1)


So much finished work!


Grade 1: The grade 1 students have been practicing their big number addition using the golden bead materials.  This week the older students will be introducing them to 3-D solids.

Grade 2: The grade 2 students have been practicing their multiplication using the golden bead material as well as the stamp game.  This week they will review 3-D solids and learn the multiplication board.

Grade 3: The grade 3 students have been practicing their multiplication using the checkerboard.  This week they will be learning the flat bead frame for further practice.


Grade 1: The grade 1 students will be learning the ‘th’ digraph.  I will be working with the grade 1s on visualization and making images in their mind while reading.  Creating pictures is key to becoming a good reader!

Learning about verbs!


Grade 2: The grade 2 students will be learning about homophones and focusing on their literature circle tasks for our discussion and meeting on Friday morning.

Grade 3:  The grade 3 students will be practicing their singular and plurals and focusing on their literature circle tasks for our discussion and meeting on Friday morning.


Grammar Man.



Our rock display in the Culture area of our classroom.

This week the students will be introduced to the rock cycle.  Students have been familiarizing themselves with the three types of rocks and exploring the materials in our culture area.  At the end of this week the students will choose a rock that inspires them and they will create a painting of this rock.

The Rock Cycle.

Social Responsibility/Classroom Community

As part of a collaborative inquiry that I am pursuing with other teachers at the school, I will be introducing the grade 3 students to Showbie.  Showbie is an application that we have on the school iPads that allows students to create a digital portfolio of their work.  Students have been especially inspired by stories and have been writing stories independently and together.  My goal is that the grade 3 students will learn how to use Book Creator (another iPad application) to create their final copy of a story they have written and then save their work to their Showbie account.


Last week, I asked the students what would make them happier at school. They anonymously wrote their wish on a slip of paper. The wishes ranged from things like, “can you bring the exercise balls back?” and “can we have an umbrella bucket?”, to requesting a kidney bean table so that we have a designated lesson table.

Smelling tubes.

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