Week 4: Independence Narratives

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So previously the learnings in this class have been primarily on the physical history and discovery of Latin America and new worlds alike. This weeks video and readings took a more political route. Im not one to shoot down politics, however I never really vibed well with the topic. Even in todays day and age, with politics so blatantly relevant. More so that I’m from the states. I’d rather avoid the topic as a whole, as a bad as that sounds. With all that being said, I did find Jose Marti and his text quite interesting. the fact that it is so difficult a read, and how it is difficult to read at Joses own discretion. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the difficulty of jose work to the difficulty of pin pointing his legacy. I find it interesting how they are tell tale signs of each other in a sense and how well over a century later, people are still debating his legacy to this day. I also found it interesting that bolivar hyperbolized that the inhabitants of The Americas were in a position lower than slavery. Quite a bold belief in my opinion based on the social norms of the time.