Top 4 career prospects in digital marketing in Canada

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Digital marketing is booming in Canada, with amazing career prospects for aspiring digital media professionals. Toronto, Montreal, and Richmond are the top Canadian cities for those seeking employment in the digital marketing field. SEO, SMM, and Content Marketing are three of the most valued skills in the Canadian digital marketing job market today.



The University of British Columbia offers a popular part-time certificate course in Digital Content & Communication year-round; the course follows both online and in-class curriculums, taught by industry-leading digital marketing experts. Held at UBC Robson Square, the in-class curriculum prides itself on its cutting edge infrastructure supported by well-equipped classrooms and speedy internet on campus. If you’re aspiring to take the UBC course on digital communication, these are the types of careers you can pursue after the program concludes.

Digital Marketing specialist

The job of a digital marketing specialist is to develop, plan, and execute various digital marketing campaigns for a company or client’s business. These include both organic SEO & paid PPC campaigns – whatever is suitable for the specific business. Most digital marketing jobs will require a valid certification in Google Analytics and Adwords. Marketing specialists also must map strategies to enhance the usability, content, and design of websites for optimum traffic pull. Another very important aspect of the job is to monitor and report progress from digital marketing campaigns; these professionals would help businesses attain maximum ROI with their digital marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Manager

The national job market assures great prospects for skilled digital marketing managers. The annual salary package for digital marketing managers in Canada is roughly C$62,215. These professionals are responsible for development and management of different SEM strategies for company websites, landing pages, and microsites. They look after email campaigns, content creation, and social media marketing as well; in regard to social media marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter marketing are the most common in Canada. These professionals are also responsible for tracking campaign conversion rates, which help them locate any problems with the campaign. Digital marketing managers also assist in CRM database queries and are required to have experience in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It’s also helpful to have standard knowledge in HTML, Photoshop, and Flash, as Digital marketing managers are sometimes required to work on or supervise UX design.

Digital account manager

The leading digital marketing companies usually follow a one-to-one service with clients to ensure the best possible attention for every project. Thus, each client receives a specific manager for their particular digital marketing account who handles everything about the digital marketing campaign for that specific client, as per typical marketing requirements of the client’s business. The job responsibilities include creation and management of AdWords campaigns, development and execution of tailored SEO strategies, and thorough monitoring of campaigns through Google Analytics. In most cases, digital account managers are required to follow a weekly monitoring schedule to check the pitfalls of the campaign over time. They should be in regular communication with their client to keep them updated about the status of their project/campaign. Apart from helping clients, a digital account manager also assists the sales staff of their company in initial meetings and negotiations with prospective customers.

Digital strategist

Digital strategists are senior digital marketing pros who supervise a junior team of digital marketers or interns at a company. They need excellent proficiency in every major aspect of online marketing, including SEO, paid advertising, email marketing, and remarketing. Moreover, digital strategists also oversee Social Media Marketing campaigns and are required to understand how to market effectively on all popular social networking sites. Most digital strategist jobs involve content development and management expertise, as well as experience in writing ad copies and campaign reports. As per the latest demands of the online marketing industry, a digital strategist should possess solid experience in running multi-platform campaigns.

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  1. that you can begin to climb. With the ability to work your way up to Senior Digital Marketer, Manager of Digital Marketing, and even Chief Marketing Officer, you can negotiate new responsibilities and increased pay over the years. who likes taking on new challenges and experimenting to find solutions, digital marketing is an excellent career for you. Whether it’s taking on new clients, campaigns, or technologies, you’ll always be kept on your toes.

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