Digital Literacy Centre

Entries Tagged as 'Electronic Literature'

Digital Literature and Critical Literacy – Dr. Teresa Dobson

October 13th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Dr. Teresa Dobson presents this Thursday, October 15 at the DLC as part of the LLED Research Seminar Series.

“Electronic literature is defined by the Electronic Literature Organization as a class of “works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer” (ELO, 2006, n.p.). It includes genres such as hypertext fiction, reactive poetry, blog novels, Flash fiction and poetry, generative art, installation, code poetry, and so on. This presentation considers the features of such multimedia literary forms through an examination of two examples and contemplates the value of such literature for critical literacy education.”

Here are some links you might find interesting and/or relevant:

Electronic Literature Organization
Electronic Literature Collection, Vol 1
Digital Literacy (PDF essay by Teresa Dobson and John Willinsky)
Electronic Literature: What is it? (article by N. Katherine Hayles)
In Search of a New(er) Digital Literature
The Alliance of Digital Humanities
Society for Digital Humanities
Electronic Literature Workspace
Hyperizons: Theory and Criticism of Hypertext Fiction
Electronic Literature Foundation (ELF)

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Welcome to Digital Literacy Centre Web Log

November 4th, 2008 · No Comments

This Web Log presents a forum for the examination and discussion of research and development in digital literacy and digital humanities. It is hosted by the Digital Literacy Centre (DLC), which is situated in the Department of Language and Literacy Education (LLED), located at the Vancouver campus. We encourage participation and collaboration in the understanding and construction of ideas and best practices in this area of study as we seek to contribute to a diverse field of interest and build community. The DLC is interested in digital literacy related (but not restricted) to: online collaborative social networks for learning, the social production of cultural languages, new theories and developments in learning technologies, electronic literature, linguistics in online environments, and the exploration of the humanities in digital culture. We look forward to hearing your ideas.

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