This four-part series features stories from our alumni about how they found employment after graduation, along with advice from the pros at the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers.
Here’s how Emma Kim, BSc(Pharm)’15, found her first job after graduation.
What was your first job after graduating from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences?
I work as a community pharmacist for an independent group with pharmacies in West Kelowna and Keremeos. My daily tasks include dispensary and clinical work (vaccinations, travel consults, lung clinics, medication reviews). I also spend time promoting public education and community outreach initiatives (including prescribers and patients).
Tell us how you found employment after graduating.
Due my previous training in genetics research, I was heavily involved in UBC/BCPhA’s pharmacogenomics research. While a pharmacy student at UBC, I was also the lab rat extracting/testing DNA from saliva! I also helped to train pharmacists in the BC Interior health region on this clinical study and that’s how I met the pharmacy team that I work with today. I have received many offers but I like my practice now because our team focuses on what I care about – community involvement and clinical services.
Do you have any advice about finding employment for students who are about to graduate?
Find out what you want out of your career. Do you want to focus on business development? Clinical services? Academics? Teaching?
Do more than schooling and start early! Aim to get to know people in the specialty area you want to pursue. Ask them for a coffee break, job shadowing, etc.
Involvement with BCPhA, CPhA, research projects and collaboration projects are also great. Attend conferences to build connections. All the neat experiences I came across happened through networking and extra projects. They say the best job is not posted and it’s true!
While being a student, try to work for many different types of employers e.g. many corporate/independents for community based pharmacies. Weigh the pros and cons as a student through work/clerkship so that you find out what kind of you want when you graduate.
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get your dream job right away. But keep investing in yourself with extra training and qualifications and keep talking to people. If you don’t get your dream job after all this, create one for yourself!
Read our previous interviews with Brett Chiasson and Moh Kazem. Interview by Karie Hanson.