
Take a Study Break, Watch a TED Talk

If you have been following our blog for a while, you might remember we highlighted a few TED Talk videos last year. These covered a variety of topics from body language to innovative science. With exam season underway, you may think watching a TED Talk instead of studying would constitute a waste of time…but hey, it’s more productive and inspiring than using your study break to watch Netflix. Today we’d like to share with you a TED Talk we found particularly insightful: Ken Robinson’s “Bring on the learning revolution!”

What are your favourite TED Talks? Share with us in the comments or on Facebook.

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing


Making the Most of Your Last Month as a Student


April is here already and it’s hard to believe that exams and graduation are right around the corner. This can bring up a whole slew of emotions as you prepare to transition out of university life. A Dr. Seuss quote comes to mind, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Here are a few ways to help you move forward in the final weeks and month of your degree:

1. Attend AMS Block Party

You’ve worked hard in all of your classes and deserve a reward! What better way than to celebrate with your friends at the AMS’ Block Party? Tickets are sold out, but there are still some people selling theirs through different outlets – check out UBC Facebook groups and Craigslist.

2. Keep in Touch

Make sure to keep in touch with the people whom you have grown close to over the past couple of years. This will help you maintain a sense of normalcy as you transition into a new chapter in life. Your friends and loved ones will also be able to help you adjust to any life changes that are happening such as finding a new job or housing.

Bonus: While keeping in touch with your friends and classmates is important, there are also many benefits to keeping in touch with the Faculty through the Alumni office!

3. Make Plans for Your Future

While it may be hard to leave your time at Pharm Sci behind, taking the time now to plan for the future will make life easier moving forward. Not only will it help logistically, but emotionally you will begin to tie up loose ends and get excited about a new chapter in your life.

4. Plan a trip

Instead of jumping into full-time work, think about taking some time off to travel and relax. Whether it’s for a week, a month, or longer, it will be a great adventure and will help you process the life changes that you are going through. Need an idea for a trip? Check out this USA road trip that was mapped using genetic algorithms.

5. It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

While it’s rewarding to plan the next chapter of your life, there is still another month left before graduation. Make the most of it by reconnecting with old friends, making new memories and acing those final exams!

What are some other ways you’re planning on making the most of April?

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing


Wrapping up PAM: A Retrospective

What a month it’s been!

As March comes to an end, it’s time for us to reflect on our campaign for Pharmacist Awareness Month 2015. It’s certainly a busy time of year for many people – and organizing a month’s worth of events has proven to be no small feat. The usual questions come to mind: What have we accomplished in the span of four weeks? Have we reached our goals? What improvements could be made in the future? But regardless of how we stack up against our own metrics for excellence, it remains of the utmost importance to keep in mind why we do Pharmacist Awareness Month.

Ultimately, we aim to make a difference through advocacy. And a key part of advocacy is recognizing what it means to be a pharmacist and sharing it with others. Today’s world demands strong co-operation, more involvement and greater responsibility from its healthcare professionals in order to serve the population’s needs. By identifying how the public perceives the profession and reinforcing the right while correcting misconceptions, we can reaffirm our role within the fabric of Canada’s healthcare system.

Pharmacist Awareness Month is an opportunity to connect students, the public, and pharmacy professionals.

At our SUB Pharmacy Fair in the first week of March, pharmacy students shared their knowledge of common conditions and the services pharmacists can provide. We found that many people didn’t know that pharmacists could be a source of information beyond medication, but were impressed to learn the depth and scope of our education! We drew crowds at the grand opening and closing events with several performances by our multi-talented pharmacy students.

During our Pharmacy Information Evening in the second week of March, we brought the future into the fold, playing host to potential pharmacy students from UBC, SFU and various high schools. Participants learned more about the UBC pharmacy program and mingled with current pharmacy students.

At our two symposiums, which rounded out the third and fourth weeks of March, we provided value to current pharmacy students by hosting interactive presentations with several accomplished pharmacy professionals. Even as students we can still be unaware of the countless opportunities a career in pharmacy can offer and these events seek to bridge that gap. Special thank you to our speakers: Dr. Wendy Leong, who discussed her unique interprofessional collaborative experiences in the community setting; and Winnie Ma and the pharmacists accompanying her, who shared their experiences and insight into hospital pharmacy.

And while these events occurred on campus, our community education and outreach programs sought to foster awareness outside of UBC. We organized several community education presentations at high schools. We also hosted a booth at Kerrisdale Community Centre and posted informational posters and information at a number of other community centres.

We hope our PAM 2015 events have brought more clarity to our roles as healthcare professionals in the community.  At times it’s been trying and at others, inspiring – but there will always be tremendous value in demonstrating to the world that we are proud and passionate pharmacy students, seeking to positively influence human health and wellbeing.

We would like to thank all the members of the PAM committee for working tirelessly on this campaign as well as the UBC Pharm Sci faculty members for their support, and of course, the many volunteers who offered their time during exams and other obligations to help make our events a success! It was truly a team effort. We can’t wait to see what the next Pharmacist Awareness Month brings!

Your PAM 2015 Co-Chairs,

Elaine Chang and Kevin Sin


What do pharmacists do? Raising awareness through UBC PAM

Community Presentation Poster

A key component of Pharmacy Awareness Month (PAM) is community outreach. Our goal is to raise awareness about the profession of pharmacy among the greater community and the work we have done in this area over the past month has pioneered the way for subsequent UBC PAM committees.

Our approach to community outreach this year has been primarily through setting up advocacy booths hosted by pharmacy student volunteers in various community centres around the Lower Mainland. These booths allow students to gain valuable experience in speaking about the profession, and also empower members of the public with a greater understanding of how pharmacists can be of service.

Our first community centre advocacy booth was held at Kerrisdale Community Centre on March 14. We arranged to display pharmacy information posters in the community centres that were unable to host a booth this year.

Pharmacy is a tremendously exciting and evolving profession and we are proud to spread the word through these community outreach projects. We want the general public to be aware of what pharmacists, as the most accessible healthcare professionals, can offer – from medication management and counselling, to administering vaccinations, and adapting and renewing prescriptions. We are also endeavouring to address common misconceptions around the safety and efficacy of medications in our community outreach work.

Advocacy ain’t always easy, but someone has to do it!

– Jeremy Antepyan and Maci Wong, PAM Community Outreach Coordinators 2015

Current Students, Life at UBC Pharm Sci

CAPSI Symposium on Healthcare Collaboration


Current students, here is a chance to further your education and learn about the future of pharmacy!

UBC Pharmacist Awareness Month and the UBC chapter of the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI) will be hosting an event on the topic of Clinical Pharmacists & Allied Healthcare Professionals at 5.30 p.m. on March 18 in the pharmacy building lecture theatre. Dr. Wendy Leong (PharmD, BCPS, MBA) will be joining us to share insights from her unique career path that has been heavily influenced by specialists (MDs and PharmDs). Dr. Leong will host an open discussion about innovative, collaborative team-based practice and encourages questions. This event is recommended for all pharmacy students and other allied healthcare professionals who recognize the importance of interdisciplinary practice. Everyone interested in learning more about the role of clinical pharmacists is welcome to attend!

Discussion topics include:

  • Why does the Canadian health care system & patients need collaborative team-based practice (with interdisciplinary teams) now & over the next 2 decades?
  • What are some practice sites and clinical programs where clinical pharmacists and allied healthcare professionals excel in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams?
  • What makes a good clinical pharmacist (allied healthcare professional)?
  • What makes a good clinical pharmacist valuable to an interdisciplinary team and patients?
  • What does the future hold for you as a clinical pharmacist?

PAM Kicks Off With Annual Pharmacy Fair

PAM Fair Event Header

The annual Pharmacy Fair is a key part of UBC Pharm Sci’s drive to bring awareness to the influence and nature of the practice of pharmacy. The Fair is hosted for one week in the Student Union Building, and comprises of twelve different activities and exhibits. Visitors will learn about various medical conditions and how pharmacists can help. The Fair is staffed by UBC Pharm Sci students – several of whom will be performing live! The Pharmacy Undergraduate Society (PhUS) are also on hand to provide information about life as a pharmacy student and answer questions.

The Pharmacy Fair finishes today, so if you haven’t already had the chance to check it out come visit us at the SUB!

– Bill Huang, Pharmacy Fair Coordinator

Check out the full timeline of events below:



A Round-Up of Our Best Health, Wellness and Study Advice

Our mission with this blog is to share content that will inspire you and help you to make the most of your time at UBC Pharm Sci. We’ve rounded up our favourite posts on health and wellness, and our best study tips just in time for midterms.

How to Ace Your Exams

Four Study Tips to Succeed

Getting Your Motivation Back

Making the Most of Your UBC Pharm Sci Experience: Insider Advice

Run the Distance – Preparing to Ace Your Exams Like a Marathon Runner

TED Talk Tuesday: Freeman Hrabowski and the Four Pillars to College Success in Science

Doing Better in School? There’s an App for that.

Welcome Back Series, Part 3: Study Spaces

A Handy Guide to UBC Cafés

How to Stay Healthy on Campus

Welcome Back Series, Part 2: Well Being

4 Self-Care Strategies to Help You Thrive

Six Ways to Stay Healthy this Flu Season

Reaching Out – Campus Resources for Mental Health

Healthy Eating and Exercise on Campus

Best of luck with your exams!

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing


Healthy Eating and Exercise on Campus

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl at Sprouts

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl at Sprouts

Your New Year’s resolutions may be a distant memory by now, but it’s still important to keep up with healthy eating and exercise – and not just because your mother told you to eat your greens. There are numerous benefits to taking the time to look after your physical well-being, such as an increased mood, better focus and enhanced memory (to help you ace those exams). Here are some simple ways to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into your lifestyle on campus:


Looking for a free way to get some exercise in between lectures and studying? Take a break and go for a run! Our campus sits on the beautiful endowment lands, which also include Pacific Spirit Park. The Ubyssey have compiled a handy trail guide here.

Going to the Gym

If working out in the gym is more your style, UBC has you covered. On the lower (free) end of the spectrum there is the Aquatic Centre which boasts swimming pools and a small gym downstairs, all free with your student card. Next up is the Bird Coop, which offers a large selection of exercise equipment (and a climbing wall!) all for the low price of $30/term. Gold’s Gym in the University Village also offer a range of membership options.

Eating Out

Head over to the SUB basement for some healthy and tasty food from Sprouts. This vegetarian, student-run cafe serves delicious, healthy, local, organic and fair-trade meals throughout the day, and even provides a by donation lunch on Fridays!


Whip up healthy meals at home using the local, organic and affordable produce from the UBC Farm. Start out by sampling goods at one of the many farm markets held throughout the year. You could also enrol in the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, where you’ll receive a weekly box of fresh produce straight from the farm. You could even consider splitting the membership with a friend.

Any other ideas for healthy living on campus?

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing


Reading Break Getaways

Copyright Info

Whistler – Copyright: Nicki Varkevisser used under CC 2.0

Reading break is just around the corner and you may be thinking about taking a short break. There are many great destinations near Vancouver that won’t break the bank. Here’s a few ideas:


  • We are lucky to live only a couple of hours away from this world renowned ski resort. While Whistler has the potential to be quite expensive, there are also cheaper options. For instance, did you know that AMS have a student hostel in Whistler? There is also a Hostelling International hostel located a short bus ride away from the Village. By being a bit resourceful, you can make your trip to Whistler fun and inexpensive!


  • The Outdoor Capital of BC is even closer than Whistler and there’s no shortage of activities to do there. If you’re willing to camp, accommodations can quite cheap. Squamish is also close enough to make it ideal for a study break day-trip.


  • Vancouver Island’s surfing hot spot is a great place to go for a short multi-day trip. There’s plenty to do in Tofino – so if you don’t surf, don’t worry, you could go kayaking, whale watching, hiking, sightseeing, or even take surf lessons. There are several accommodation options available – including one of the nicest (in our opinion) Hostelling International hostels around.


  • The capital of BC is a must see. From the parliamentary buildings, to the huge selection of museums, landmarks and gardens – there is something for everyone’s taste.  The fact that Victoria is only a bus and ferry ride away makes it a good option for a day trip.


Or, if you live on campus and are sticking around for reading break, why not take the opportunity to check off some UBC attractions from your list?

What are your favourite local getaways?

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing

Admissions, Prospective Students

E2P PharmD: Deadline to Apply Extended

Student on computer

Interested in applying for the E2P PharmD program? Luckily, there is still the opportunity to do so!

Because our application opened later than other UBC programs this year, the deadline has been extended to February 9th, 2015.  Apply now for the opportunity to be a part of the first class of Entry-to-Practice PharmD students.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding your application, contact undergrad.pharm@ubc.ca.

All the best in submitting your application!

Sefanit Habtom, Student Services
