
Update from Student Services – 2014 BSc in Pharmacy applications are closed

The UBC Pharm Sci Blog is a place where you can learn more about student experiences at the Faculty, as well as an informal space where you can ask questions and gain insight into the student admissions process. Jennifer Chatterton, Director of Student Services, will be joining us from time to time to keep you up to date with the latest admissions developments and answer any questions you may have about the process.

The UBC Pharm Sci Official Blog will keep you up to date on the admissions process

The application for the 2014 Winter intake for the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program has officially closed and now, we are moving on to the evaluation stage.  We will, at times, be using this space to update you on the admissions process and to let you know when we are sending out invitations for interviews. We also encourage you to use this blog to ask us questions about admissions as we are interested in knowing how we can help. We will monitor the blog weekly to look for and answer your questions.

-Jennifer Chatterton, Director, Student Services

Rather than responding to individual e-mails, applicants and the student services team will benefit from reading the questions and corresponding responses of others. Check the blog regularly for updates – and do not forget to post your general questions relating to admissions in the comments section! *Stay tuned for a dedicated page on the blog to post questions and receive answers.

-Raul Scorza, Communications & Marketing
