
Student Services Update – Admissions Process

This week, Jennifer Chatterton, Director of UBC Pharm Sci’s Student Services, has an important update on admissions.

Visit the Official Blog regularly for updates from Student Services.

The admissions process continues! We would like to confirm that our interviews will be held over the weekend of May 3rd and 4th, 2014. At this time, the Admissions Office should have received all of your transcripts and we should have received all of your PCAT scores. We are expecting the list of admission averages from the Undergraduate Admissions Office sometime this week. This means that we will be shortlisting our interview candidates very soon.

Please make sure that you check your email frequently, as we will contact shortlisted candidates via email to invite them for an interview. If you have not heard from us, please also check your junk mail folder. If you are invited for an interview, we will let you know the date and time that we are requesting that you attend. If you have a conflict and cannot make this time, please notify us. Please note: all candidates will be notified of whether or not they are being invited to interview via email.

-Jennifer Chatterton, Director, Student Services

Remember – UBC Pharm Sci’s Official Blog is a platform for you to experience a transparent admissions process. If you have any general questions or concerns, please share them in the comments section!

-Raul Scorza, Communications & Marketing


Update from Student Services – Incoming PCAT scores and request for transcripts

Jennifer Chatterton, Director of Student Services for the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, shares an update on PCAT scores and transcripts for admissions. 

The Undergraduate Admissions Office is working towards inputting your PCAT scores and transcripts in your application.

Many of you have emailed asking whether or not we have received your PCAT scores, especially if you wrote or re-wrote your exam in January 2014. Today we received a large shipment of PCAT scores. This means that, over the next few days, we will be updating your scores on the Pharmacy application. If your PCAT score is not updated right away, please don’t worry. We have a lot of scores to update and this will take some time. Also, we will contact you if we do not have your score.

The Undergraduate Admissions Office is currently working on calculating your admission averages. If you haven’t already done so, please make sure that you send them your transcripts. You can check your Applicant Status on the SSC to see if any documents are missing from your application.

Jennifer Chatterton, Director, Student Services

Do not forget to post any questions regarding PCAT scores, admission averages and transcripts on the comments section! 

Raul Scorza, Communications & Marketing


Update from Student Services – 2014 BSc in Pharmacy applications are closed

The UBC Pharm Sci Blog is a place where you can learn more about student experiences at the Faculty, as well as an informal space where you can ask questions and gain insight into the student admissions process. Jennifer Chatterton, Director of Student Services, will be joining us from time to time to keep you up to date with the latest admissions developments and answer any questions you may have about the process.

The UBC Pharm Sci Official Blog will keep you up to date on the admissions process

The application for the 2014 Winter intake for the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program has officially closed and now, we are moving on to the evaluation stage.  We will, at times, be using this space to update you on the admissions process and to let you know when we are sending out invitations for interviews. We also encourage you to use this blog to ask us questions about admissions as we are interested in knowing how we can help. We will monitor the blog weekly to look for and answer your questions.

-Jennifer Chatterton, Director, Student Services

Rather than responding to individual e-mails, applicants and the student services team will benefit from reading the questions and corresponding responses of others. Check the blog regularly for updates – and do not forget to post your general questions relating to admissions in the comments section! *Stay tuned for a dedicated page on the blog to post questions and receive answers.

-Raul Scorza, Communications & Marketing
