Last Friday the UFSA crew kicked off the school year with our annual Welcome Back Mixer! We were excited to reconnect with all of our returning members and thrilled with all of the new members who joined us. The evening consisted of delicious food (thanks to our president Naomi), some general announcements, a few rounds of trivia. The night was rounded off with the give-away of 10 VIFF vouchers and a pass to VIFF’s Totally Indie Day. Congratulation to all our winners! And a big thanks to everyone who came out and helped to make it such a fun evening! (And for putting up with me playing the Donnie Darko soundtrack on repeat.)
For those who couldn’t join us or didn’t catch all of our announcements, what follows is a quick rundown of this months “Need to Knows” for UFSA.
- The Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) runs from Sep. 27- Oct. 12! VIFF is a great way to screen a variety of local and international buzz worthy films, all while supporting Vancouver’s local film community. Not sure what to see at VIFF? Stay tuned for our upcoming post about the most anticipated VIFF films this year!
- Don’t have a UFSA Promo card yet? Our $10 dollar promo card not only gets you membership with UFSA, it also comes with a yearly VIFF membership (necessary to attend VIFF festival and off-season screenings), a ticket voucher to The Rio, and free popcorn at The Cinematheque! Sole UFSA memberships (without the promo cards) provides the opportunity to run and vote in UFSA elections and can be purchased for $5. To purchase a membership/promo card please contact us on our Facebook page.
- The UFSA podcast is looking for topic suggestions and contributors! For those who are interested in contributing to the podcast, or simply have a topic they desperately want to hear covered, let us know through our Facebook page!

We hope to see all of you back again in October! Get ready for an extra-spooky addition of our monthly meet up, where we’ll be discussing films we have screened at VIFF and some of our favourite horror movies. More details will be coming soon!

Author: Ashley Johnson (Head of Social Events)