
Here are the sources you should read for the classes on performers and athletes. If you are interested in a law case involving an actor, you can read Cicero’s speech in Defence of Roscius, the Actor, here. (It’s rather archaic, however, so if this interests you, I would find a more modern one with less frosts.)

As quite a few of you are interested in working on gladiators I am uploading an entire reader I created on Roman spectacles. It has more sources and you can search through it for more material as a starting point, if you like.

This entry on infamy is helpful for understanding the legal standing of all entertainers, but it long and rather filled with information on the many other ways one could lose legal standing.

For those interested in female performers this, despite the slightly intimidating title, is very helpful:

Fernández, Z. A. Docta saltatrix: Body Knowledge, Culture, and Corporeal Discourse in Female Roman Dance, Phoenix  Vol. 69:. 304-333


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