This reflection is regarding the process of the formal report assignment. It touches on my thought process behind the idea, how it made me think deeper about environmental issues, and how the peer review process affected me.
Formal Report Process Reflection
I appreciate the process of the formal report. It turned an issue at work that I was mildly concerned about into a topic I feel passionately for. Prior to the assignment, I would change price tags absent-mindedly, occasionally wonder why a tech-based store like Best Buy didn’t have a digital system. Without this assignment, I would have never learned that most retailers are moving towards digitizing the system, as well as how much water and energy producing paper takes.
I have learned so much about what it would take to implement such a system. While it would initially be very expensive, it would be worth it in the long run. Not just financially, but morally. We have a moral obligation to our planet and to our fellow species to do what we can to preserve the Earth and take actionable steps towards reversing global warming. Companies share this responsibility just as much as individuals, if not more. The formal report assignment has taught me the value of making the extra effort to research and explore the small, but consistent, issues that bother you and see what steps you can take to remedy them.
The peer review process was very interesting as well because I had the opportunity to learn more about what issues my peers were tackling. I found Brenda’s topic particularly interesting because I am a biology major, so I could make those direct connections between her place of work and the science behind the issue. Reviewing her work also gave me some ideas for my own, such as including a separate methods section. It also gave me an idea of how I would like to layout my graphics.
I’m looking forward to wrapping up the formal report and discussing it further with my manager. I think the issue of paper price tags is a long overdue discussion that should be had and I’m excited to present my findings to the company.
First Draft of Formal Report: Formal Report Draft