It’s not always about the win

It is the start of a new year, a new season, and a new direction for Canucks Sports and Entertainment. The franchise’s slogan “We are All Canucks” truly exemplifies the image that the company wants to be known as, especially when the focus is not only on the success of the team, but on fan experience and giving back to the community.

The franchise has had a streak of over 200 sold out home games, setting it apart from any other team. This is an incredible achievement that clearly shows that the company is making effective and beneficial decisions. The success of these ticket sales is a result of the fans and their continued support and appreciation for the operation of the company.

Out of the many charities that the company supports, Canucks for Kids Fund is one of the largest foundations. It offers a safe environment for children who are suffering from deathly illnesses. This special foundation allows these children to step away from their daily sufferings and experience laughter and fun that should come from childhood.

Clearly, Canucks Sports and Entertainment is way bigger than a famous hockey team. The company is changing and improving lives.

Whole Foods Market: Organic Living at its Finest

Whole Foods Market is well known for its promotion of healthy and organic foods. It is becoming increasingly popular all over the world as more and more individuals are discovering the importance of eating healthy. The company caters to everyone’s needs; targeting a range of people from infants all the way to seniors. It also provides a variety of food choices for customers who follow the latest food trends and for those who have dietary restrictions.

Whole Foods Market emphasizes important missions and values, which set the company apart from any other grocery store. The company focuses on supporting their local communities, organic farming, animal welfare, seafood sustainability, and of course protecting the environment. As society recognizes the importance of a healthy environment, these values are becoming more appealing.

Money is a huge factor, influencing customers’ decisions regarding which product to buy. Whole Foods Market is more expensive than the usual grocery store because it is selling higher valued items. Some individuals believe it is worth spending the extra money for higher quality food, while others believe otherwise. Yet, the overall concept of Whole Foods Market continues to influence the prosperity of the company as it is beneficial for many individuals.

Walmart’s ethics are tested

Over a decade ago, Deborah Shank, a 52- year old woman with three children, worked at Walmart; one of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. One day she was hit by one of Walmart’s tractor-trailers. She suffered from short-term memory loss, which affected her and her family immensely. Luckily before the crash, she registered for Walmart’s health and benefit plan. Originally, the family sued the company and received $417 000. Yet, the health care plan allows Walmart to retrieve some of the money, and although the court offered them $275 000 back, the company claimed $470 000. The devastated family appealed to the court, but they refused.

Customers would lose respect for Walmart and would not be inclined to purchase from a company that disregards the importance the importance of respecting morals. In the end, Walmart confirmed that they would pay for Deborah’s care. The family was overjoyed but questioned why they had to go through such trouble to get to this conclusion. A company that strictly enforces ethical decisions has positive influences and a good reputation all over the world. These are important factors to help further guarantee the success of a company.

Deborah Shank on CNN