
Templar Bacha-GEOB 370


The purpose of this project is to examine the effects of seasonal and temporal variation on the crime rates within Vancouver. Seasonal variation for this project is defined as the Meteorological Seasons such that each of Winter,Spring,Summer and Fall are separated into three distinct months. Furthermore, in order to examine temporal variation the latest time of sunrise and the earliest time of sunset were used in order to create categories of day and night. The three variables which were investigated during this project were street lights, city parks and SkyTrain transit stations.Using Arcmap and excel a series of maps and graphs were created which show the variation temporally and seasonally. Lastly through the culmination of all the data, four final maps were created in order portray how among all seasons and times notable locations are hot-spots of crime and how the percentage of crime committed per a location varies depending on time.


Before the outset of the project a series of  hypotheses were made:

  • The number of crimes should be higher in parks during warmer seasons-ie spring and summer
  • Parks along the beaches of Vancouver should show the highest crime rates during summer days
  • The number of crimes should decrease proportionally at night under street lights
  • Transit station crimes will be largely unaffected by both seasonal and temporal factors