
Transit Graphs
Park Graphs
Street Light Graphs
Total Crime Graphs


Sum of all crimes for all seasons and times.

Classification of total crime committed in the months of December,January and February.
Night hours are defined as 16:00-8:00

Classification of total crime committed in the months of December,January and February. Night hours are defined as 16:00-8:00










Classification of total crime committed in the months of March, April and May. Night hours are defined as 21:00-6:30.

Classification of total crime committed in the months of March, April and May. Day hours are defined as 6:30-21:00










Classification of total crime committed in the months of June,July and August. Night hours are defined as 21:00-6:00

Classification of total crime committed in the months of June,July and August. Day hours are defined as 6:00-21:00


Classification of total crime committed in the months of September, October and November.
Night hours are defined as 8:00-20:00

Classification of total crime committed in the months of September, October and November. Night hours are defined as 8:00-20:00

 Transit Crimes

Crimes occurring within 80m of Skytrain transit stations. Total number of crimes.

Crimes occurring within 80m buffer of SkyTrain transit stations. Calculated as sum of transit crime divided by total crime of season/time








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Park Crimes

Total number of crimes occurring within parks and surrounding 20m buffer.

Crimes occurring within parks and surrounding 20m buffer. Calculated as sum of park crime divided by total crime for season/time.






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Street Light Crimes

Crimes occurring under streetlights and surrounding 3m buffer. Calculated as sum of streetlight crime divided by total crime for season/time.

Number of crimes occurring under city street lights, buffered to 3m.











Number of crimes occurring under street lights and 3m buffer day vs night.

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Total Crime Day vs Night

Sum of all crimes occurring during night.

Sum of all crimes occurring during day.









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