Hootsuite Social Analytics

Web Analytics World is a great blog written by Manoj Jasra who is a Sr. Strategist at Shaw Communications Inc. where overseeing social media and web analytics are part of his job description (sounds like a sweet job to me). I found the blog while trying to look into Google analytics, which is something I’m trying to learn more about. The idea sparked me when Beverly Chung discussed how she was able to increase her online presence by linking her blog to her twitter and vice versa while mentioning the use of Google analytics. As a side note, congrats Beverly for winning the twitter contest!


The idea of all this analytics penetrating the social media world is really interesting. While skimming down Web Analytics World I learned of an analytics tool called HootSuite.  The basic idea is that it can be used to manage and track your social networks, so you are able to increase your effectiveness. Hootsuite has just launched a new tool called social analytics (check out the video). From my understanding, this contains some really powerful stuff! You have the ability to customize reports, share information amongst teams, track results, and monitor conversations and can be used across a bunch of social media areas including Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare. I think businesses with their increasing use of social media as a reputable marketing tactic can really benefit from social analytics, just like businesses have utilized Google analytics.

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