“Your Mom Hates This”

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When I first saw this commercial that EA is using to promote their new video game Dead Space 2, I thought to myself “wow that’s pretty stupid.” Why would a company that is trying to sell a game to children blatantly explain that there is no parental approval? My first reaction was that it wouldn’t be a successful campaign because in normal circumstances I assumed that it would be the Mom and Dad’s that would be the purchasers of the product.

Literally the next day however, we talked in class about the immense buying power of children and young adults. That’s when it all made sense…EA is actually jumping on that huge trend and capitalizing on kids buying power.  It’s even more awesome because teenagers seemingly love to make their mommas made at any opportunity. It’s genius!  

Being so caught up in this crazy and what I consider to be an unconventional way of advertising, I took my very first steps inside a video game store. I asked the guy working there if I could look at Dead Space 2. He then asked me something about which gaming system I needed it for to which I had no idea. You see, my mom never let me come near video games growing up. Acknowledging that I didn’t even know how to respond to that simple question made me realize that I certainly didn’t have the type of buying power when I was younger that EA is targeting. I guess this change in trends and influence can give violent video games a time to shine.

I’ll leave off with the idea that the back of the Dead Space 2 says 17+ and things along the line of strong language, violence, malicious, vulgar etc… Well can’t everyone see why Mom’s may hate it?

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