Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hootsuite Social Analytics

Web Analytics World is a great blog written by Manoj Jasra who is a Sr. Strategist at Shaw Communications Inc. where overseeing social media and web analytics are part of his job description (sounds like a sweet job to me). I … Continue reading

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Money and Marketing

Isn’t it interesting to find the route of your thoughts? When your brain starts turning and the wheels keep going and then you wonder, “How did I even get to this thinking about this?” Well my most recent route went … Continue reading

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“My Grandma Just Added Me on Twitter”

The other day in class there was a discussion about the Consumer Adoption Curve in relation to Twitter. I personally think that this social media tool is still on a great incline. Yes, there was certainly the “early adopters and … Continue reading

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Power of Customer Service

Right now I’m sitting at YVR and I’m so glad I’m flying West Jet. With the constant talk about what consumer’s value, I realize how much I personally value customer service. Maybe it’s because I’ve had less than pleasant experiences … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment YES! It’s that time of the year again…SUPER BOWL!!!! Now I will admittedly fall into the category of Americans who only watch the super bowl and no other football game during the year. Being in that category I am probably … Continue reading

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“Your Mom Hates This”

When I first saw this commercial that EA is using to promote their new video game Dead Space 2, I thought to myself “wow that’s pretty stupid.” Why would a company that is trying to sell a game to children … Continue reading

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Disney- for Kids AND Parents

As we’ve entered into discussion about target markets, branding, marketing mix etc… I’ve definitely started to become more aware of why ads and other forms of marketing are the way they are. Something that always jumps out at me is … Continue reading

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The Last Hour

Well today is a beautiful day. Actually, this hour is a beautiful hour. It marks the very last assignment, project, or lab that I have to do in my first year of University. It’s this very blog post actually and … Continue reading

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Are the Streets Really Paved with Gold?

The tragedy in Haiti was obviously well broadcasted, and many fund-raising actions took place in order to raise money for the recovery. Interestingly I didn’t hear as much about what the people in Haiti felt, but predominately heard of the … Continue reading

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By Golly I think it Worked!

I was downtown yesterday, just strolling down Robson Street, when we casually passed Zara’s. Just conversationally I said, “Did you know that Zara has impressive vertical integration because they are designers, manufacturers and retailers!” Without sounding shamelessly cheesy I thought … Continue reading

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